Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Sole Source

As a Department of Veterans Affairs certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), PotenzaHRC provides potential clients and customers the ability to use the SDVOSB sole source vehicle, which allows for direct-buy contracts with SDVOSB contractors.
What is SDVOSB Sole Source?

With the enactment of Public Law 106-50, also known as the Veterans Entrepreneurial Act and Small Business Development Act, federal organizations and agencies were directed to establish a prime contracts award goal of three percent specifically for SDVOSBs. This was augmented in 2003 by the Veterans Benefit Act, which established a procurement program for service-disabled veterans who own and control small businesses. The goal for these programs were to stipulate Federal contracting assistance to SDVOSBs.
In 2006 President George W. Bush signed legislation that authorized the “Veterans First” approach that allowed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) the authority to conduct set-aside and sole source procurements with SDVOSBs. The law requires VA contracting to consider relevant SDVOSBs and VOSBs, respectively, ahead of other small business concerns when meeting its acquisition requirements.

What Do You Get Out of It?

When using the SDVOSB sole source vehicle, an agency or organization uses a much easier and considerably shorter process. With a shorter process, the agency or organization save on process and time costs.
Abbreviated decision process: a SDVOSB sole source award can usually be processed in a matter of days.

With sole source contracting, potential clients negotiate with Potenzahrc directly for the best value and agencies build credit for contracting with SDVOSBs

Contact: Walter Heilig,
Tweets by @CVEVetBiz_OSDBU

Our Certifications

by | Apr 11, 2019

HUBZOne – Historically Underutilized Business Zone



  • Only designated HUBZone-certified, SDVOSB are allowed a contracting preference.
  • The government aims to award 3% of prime contracting dollars annually to HUBZone-certified and SDVOSB, respectively. For fiscal year ending 2016/17, that number was surpassed, awarding SDVOSB over $16 billion.
  • The government awarded $9.8B to HUBZone-certified businesses. $2.3B of that amount was awarded with a HUBZone preference ($2.1B through a HUBZone set-aside, $112.6M through HUBZone sole-source award, and $100.7M through a HUBZone price-evaluation preference.) About $1.8B was awarded to HUBZone-certified business in open competition with other firms. The remaining $5.7B was awarded with another small business preference (e.g., set-aside and sole source awards for small business generally and for 8(a), women-owned, and service-disabled veteran owned small businesses)

Potenzahrc is proud to announce that it has earned the exclusive designation as a Certified Service Disable Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ (SDVBE) from the National Veteran-Owned Business Association. To be eligible for the designation as NaVOBA Certified SDVBE ™, the applicant firm must be at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by one or more U.S. military veterans. At its core certification is a protection for both veteran-owned businesses as well as the corporations and organizations that do business with them.

“People can easily say ‘I’m a veteran-owned business’ when they really aren’t,” NaVOBA President Matthew Pavelek said. “Corporations will not risk the accuracy of their Supplier Diversity spending goals by recording spend on contracts with firms that say they are owned by veterans if they aren’t absolutely certain of the ownership, operation and control of that firm. Working with a third-party nonprofit organization like NaVOBA and its VBE certification program provides that certainty.”
About The National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA) NaVOBA is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization led by Corporate Supplier Diversity professionals. It is the mission of NaVOBA to create corporate contracting opportunities for America’s Veteran’s and Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprises.

Florida Veteran Business Certification.
Office of Supplier Diversity /


339114: Dental Equipment & Supplies

384103: Hospital Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing
339112 – Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
339113- Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
337215 – Showcase, Partition, Shelving, And Locker Manufacturing
423450 – Medical, Dental, And Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
424210 – Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries Merchant Wholesalers
446199 – All Other Health and Personal Care Stores

Pcs Codes

6532 – Hospital and Surgical Clothing And Related Special Purpose Items
9320 – Rubber Fabricated Materials
6510 – Surgical Dressing Materials
6515 – Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, And Supplies
6530 – Hospital Furniture, Equipment, Utensils, And Supplies